To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the beloved Japanese anime ONE PIECE, VICTOR is launching a new collection featuring the anime. The Straw Hat Crew are now dressed in and equipped with badminton apparel and equipment to extend their reach from the ocean to the badminton court! VICTOR | ONE PIECE has officially hit the market in August, taking you on a journey to the "Grand Line of badminton" in an inspirational and positive vibe!
Centering on the classic ONE PIECE elements, VICTOR | ONE PIECE develops specific products for each member of the Straw Hat Crew. The new collection comprises 21 items from badminton rackets to shoes, accompanied by accessories including bucket hats, T-shirts, sport socks, backpacks, sandals, sport towels, wristbands, and more. Boasting the charm of ONE PIECE, these items are definitely must-haves for anime fans who also love badminton!